My title is far more ambitious than my idea. While I'm rushing through, trying to scrape a grade for my future's sake, I'm beginning to realize just how odd time is.
Three months ago, I had all the time in the world for this. I could make it up the next week. And the next, and the next hour, and Oh, there it is. My life down the toilet due entirely to my procrastination.
As I sit here trying to salvage my future, each second feels like a miniature fleeting eternity. It's as if every stroke of the backspace takes another year off of my life. I'm sure Kant would have something to say about my time perception.
Insomnia also has an odd effect on time. I had a pretty rough bout with it for about a year and a half. I would realize halfway through the day that I was sitting in a class, but didn't know how I had gotten there. I could be eating my food and not actually know how I got my fork. I could assume, but I couldn't remember it. Time just sort of passed over me. I don't know how many of you have seen Fight Club (great film), but the whole autopilot sequence is very real.
So if lack of rest can change your time perception, then how real is time actually? Can we accurately measure time, or is a second merely a sequential system. At any given point, someone's one second could feel like another's two. Does that mean the one is living longer than the other?
Time is weird.
Here's a few questions for reflection: What effects do you think our perceptions of time have on time itself? Do you think time is something independent of our perceptions of it?